Dec 20, 2020
When a good friend pulled me aside to share that they were Googling 'most painless ways to kill self'...?
WelI...that triggered a powerful revelation about the trials and tribulations of the past year.
2020, people. We're all in it together.
And there IS a way out <3
FEAT. music from Owl Cave Dreams (new Winter Solstice...
Oct 30, 2020
Take a DEEP dream-dive with me for 20MIN! Featuring music by OWL CAVE DREAMS:
Happy Halloween one and all! It's the season of the witch, so I'm bringing you a fresh DREAMTIME journey — this is where I walk you (and myself, let's be honest) through the strange symbols and trippy moments and flickers of lucidity to...
Sep 26, 2020
I've been a game writer and interactive narrative guy, in some capacity or another, since 1997. 23 YEARS. Let that sink in for a minute. And even with all of that storytelling experience, heaps of professional accolades, high-level game writer recommendations, and some acclaimed self-created indie projects? I still get...
Aug 27, 2020
Jul 3, 2020