Jul 26, 2021
https://dadbodthealbum.com — my new DADBOD album is on FIRE, so we're doing a shameless nod to Sean Evans' interview high-bar HOT ONES to celebrate!
From Best Friend funk to Little Guy folk to hip-hop autobiography in BUMPY w/ Chrystal Leigh (Sons of Daughters), co-composer extraordinaire TOBIAS TINKER is in the house...
Aug 27, 2020
May 10, 2020
Jesus H Christmas...it's true...I'm turning 50.
And with just a few weeks left to brace before the 'oldometer' rolls me into flattened obsolescence? I wanted to reach out to my most loyal and loving listeners with a request.
You see...after 3 years of giving this show away for zip, nada, bupkis, nothing, FREE...I...
Oct 13, 2019
I've been asked a lot of questions in my (nearly) half-century on this rock...
But when I put the call out for fresh Q&A material, one listener hit me with the coolest Q imaginable...
"If you could be asked anything that you've never been asked before, what would the question be, and what's the answer?"
Time to get...
Jun 28, 2019
The roots of creativity go deep, tangled around our formative years and adolescence. For me, one of those dark tendrils snaked its way into my pre-teen thoughts with a simple roll of the dice...
Role-playing. Escapism. Power fantasies. Call it what you want.
The rest of us called it...D&D.
Dungeons & Dragons showed me...